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Terms of service

The general terms and conditions of Dr. Cantz’sche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (DCV) as of May 2020: § 1 Scope and contractual partnersContracts are concluded exclusively on the basis of these general terms and…


Erfassung allgemeiner Informationen Wenn Sie auf unsere Webseite zugreifen, werden automatisch Informationen allgemeiner Natur erfasst. Diese Informationen (Server-Logfiles) beinhalten etwa die Art des Webbrowsers, das verwendete Betriebssystem, den Domainnamen Ihres Internet Service Providers und Ähnliches.…

Freeters –
HELP! Artistic Intelligence

FREETERS stands for an artist collective that designs, creates, transforms and plays with spaces, for and with the people who experience their time there. The artistic intelligence used in the process transforms into spaces for…


Office Berlin Prinz-Eugen-Straße 17A13347 Publisher Martin Holz T +49 30 Production Vinzenz Geppert T +49 30 Communication & Distribution Aylin Kowalewsky T +49 30 Sales Helge Baumgarten T +49 30…

Katharina Arndt –
While waiting for Death

Life for the most part consists of banalities. What to make of it? Katharina Arndt has decided to dip thick brushes into luminous bold acrylic paints, which she applies expansively without regard for the ostensible…


Dr. Cantz’sche VerlagsgesellschaftmbH & Co. KG Prinz-Eugen-Straße 17A13347 Berlin | Germany Verantwortlich i.s.d. § 5 TMG: Uta Grosenick, Martin HolzVerkehrsnummer 14723UST-ID DE 326219648Steuernummer 1130/14650068Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRA 59042 BGeschäftsführer: Uta Grosenick, Martin Holz Alternative Streitbeteiligung…
Emmanuel Bornstein

Emmanuel Bornstein –

Like the deer that tests our vigilance by suddenly crossing the road, Emmanuel Bornstein’s (b. Toulouse, 1986; lives and works in Berlin) art, which is rarely winsome and often disturbing, forces us to grapple with…

Bespoke Publishing

Based in Berlin and sustained by an excellent network of contacts in the art and publishing industries, DCV provides comprehensive services including book design, lithography, copy editing, translations and the worldwide distribution of your publication.…

America! America!
How real is real?

Myths, Projections, Aspirations In times of fake news and alternative facts it is becoming even more clear how the American Dream is closely interwoven with emotional pictures and symbols. At the same time, it can…

Larissa Kikol –
SIGNED. Unterwegs mit der 1UP-Crew und Moses & Taps

Who owns the city? It is a question to which graffiti artists and politicians have very different answers. 1UP and Moses & Taps are international stars of the scene, realizing radical creative concepts in spectacular…

Vanessa Henn –
Same Same

Vanessa Henn’s (b. Stuttgart, 1970; lives and works in Berlin) objects and installations blend formal reduction with playful comedy. The handrails she makes out of a wide variety of materials run along walls, project into…

Philip Loersch –
Renteninformation 2022

A satirical audiobook, read by Johannes Steck with free download link on the inside You’ve read right, and you’re going to hear it: a bureaucratic document—we’re all familiar with it, for a new one arrives…
Ute Bartel

Ute Bartel

An unreal view of reality In her works, Ute Bartel (b. 1961, Halle; lives and works in Cologne) deals with everyday circumstances, the “mansionaticum.” A term which at first glance seems epochal, but etymologically simply…

Plastique Fantastique –
A Journey through an ephemeral Realm

In the wake of Frank Lloyd Wright’s pioneering work, visionary architects including Frei Otto and Buckminster Fuller established bubbles as a recognized artistic and architectonic form. The Berlin-based art duo Plastique Fantastique (Marco Canevacci and…

and early art events in the GDR

The legendary producer-run gallery Clara Mosch and the artists’ group of the same title that gathered around it were founded in Karl-Marx-Stadt (today’s Chemnitz) in 1977 and existed until 1982. The catchy name was an…

Supernatural –
Sculptural Visions of the Body

The future of human corporeality in the Anthropocene era Given the technological development in biogenetics, humans will be able to make existential modifications to all living things, Nature, the animal world and human likenesses in…
Gabriele Basch

Gabriele Basch

Paper and Foil Cut‑Outs in an Innovative Language of Forms: An Overview of the Works of Gabriele Basch from 2008 to 2019 Since the 1990s, Gabriele Basch (b. 1964, Bad Homburg; lives and works in…

HALBwertsZeit –
Zum Umgang mit ‚abgelaufenen‘ Sammlungen

Do collections have an expiration date? Shifting interests, evolving social contexts, and discursive developments influence when a collection or its presentation is said to be outdated and what that implies for the constraints on, or…

Martha Rosler –

The American conceptual artist and pioneer of critical feminism Martha Rosler (b. 1943 in Brooklyn, NY, lives and works in Brooklyn, NY) has influenced numerous contemporary artists with the radicalism of her artistic position. Rosler’s…
Ohne Schlüssel und Schloss

Ohne Schlüssel und Schloss
Chancen und Risiken von Big Data

Von Kunsthandwerk zu digitaler Verschlüsselung An jeder Haustür ziehen wir Grenzen, wir schließen auf und schließen ab. Und noch in jüngster Vergangenheit war eindeutig, was als Verschlusssache galt. Ganz anders stellt sich diese Frage im…
Digitale Skulptur

Digitale Skulptur
Follow the unknown

Crossing the BNorders of the Tangible For the first time in art history a competition for the Digital Sculpture Award was announced. What is a digital sculpture anyway? Where are the boundaries between real and…
Margret Eicher

Margret Eicher –
Lob der Malkunst

Contemporary Visual Communication in a Historic Weaving Technique Margret Eicher’s (b. Viersen, Germany, 1955; lives and works in Berlin) large-format tapestries combine the baroque form of the woven picture with familiar motifs excerpted from contemporary…

René Holm

René Holm goes for the big picture, painting the ambivalence of human existence and our relationship with nature. Some of his protagonists are physically naked, and all embody an interior life through their poses. The…

Angelika J. Trojnarski –
Noble Earth

Angelika J. Trojnarski (born 1979 in Mrągowo/Polen; lives and works in Düsseldorf) examines facets of nature through an ecological, scientific, poetic study of their phenomena. Through a process centered on painting, her art articulates allegorical…
on air

On Air –
Der Klang des Materials in der Kunst der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre

On Air showcases a distinctive art form, the sound sculpture, retracing its evolution from the early 1950s, when artists begin dismantling the conventional boundaries of art, to the early 1970s. In no more than a…

Norbert Bisky –
Im Freien

The beauty of male bodies, hedonism, bold colors—Norbert Bisky (b. Leipzig, 1970; lives and works in Berlin) is widely regarded as the most successful exponent of contemporary figurative painting in Germany. Now the artist has…
Horst Schwitzki

Horst Schwitzki (1932–2016) –
Eine Werkmonografie

“I have my place in concrete painting!” Horst Schwitzki’s (b. Marburg/Lahn, 1932; d. Frankfurt/Main, 2016) talent was recognized early on by renowned painters including Arnold Bode and Fritz Winter. During his studies at the Werkakademie,…

Supernatural Beings

GOTT&GILZ clothe provocative nudity into the guise of art-historical classics The female nude is a constant of art history whose vicissitudes illustrate changing forms of representation and the wild swings of public morality. Many a…
Württembergische Volksbühne

10 Jahre Württembergische Volksbühne
Reprint der Festschrift von 1929

Centennial Publication of the Württembergische Landesbühne Esslingen In 2019, the Württembergische Landesbühne Esslingen (WLB)—one of the oldest regional theatres in Germany—is celebrating its 100th anniversary. On the occasion of this anniversary, the tenth commemorative publication…
Isabelle Graw

Isabelle Graw –
In einer anderen Welt. Notizen 2014–2017

Personal Observation as an Analytical Lens on Society Isabelle Graw (b. 1962, Hamburg; lives in Berlin) is publisher of the magazine Texte zur Kunst and has been professor of art theory at the Staatliche Hochschule…

Ernst Wilhelm Nay –

The Great German Artist’s Imposing Oeuvre Ernst Wilhelm Nay (b. Berlin, 1902; d. Cologne, 1968) was one of the most interesting painters of European modernism. Spanning the decades from the 1930s to his death in…
petra Arnold

Petra Arnold –
Beyond Starlight

The Fischer Family of Circus Artists: A Photographic Long-term Observation For more than a decade, the photographer Petra Arnold has shadowed the Zirkus Starlight troupe and the Fischers, a family of performers, taking analog photographs,…
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt

Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt – Wie eine Spinne im Netz

Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt (b. Wurzen, Germany, 1932; lives in Berlin) is one the few East German female artists who devoted themselves to graphic art produced on the typewriter. Working on her trusty “Erika,” she arranged letters,…
Michael Sailstorfer

MS 00 22
Michael Sailstorfer – Works 2000–2022

MS 00 22 – Michael Sailstorfer: Works 2000–2022 Michael Sailstorfer (b. Velden/Vils, Germany, 1979; lives and works in Berlin) is one of the most renowned German sculptors and object artists of his generation. His sculptural…
Marion Anna Simon

Marion Anna Simon –
Gemaltes Kaddisch

An artist paints the Kaddish In roughly 330 self-portraits, Marion Anna Simon (b. 1972, Bitburg; lives and works in Cologne) dares to undertake an unusual transcription of Jewish prayer as a sign of mourning. On…
Shara Hughes

Shara Hughes –
Day by Day by Day

Graphic Manifestations of the Unconscious The painter Shara Hughes (b. Atlanta, GA, 1981; lives and works in Brooklyn, NY, USA) is one of the rising stars of the American arts scene. Her colorful imaginary landscapes,…

Ernst Wilhelm Nay –
Monograph (EN)

The Great German Artist’s Imposing Oeuvre Ernst Wilhelm Nay (b. Berlin, 1902; d. Cologne, 1968) was one of the most interesting painters of European modernism. Spanning the decades from the 1930s to his death in…

New release: Isabelle Graw – In einer anderen Welt

In 160 notes, the Städelschule professor and editor of the magazine Texte zur Kunst Isabelle Graw recorded deeply personal observations and thoughts. They are touching, openly portrayed snapshots of the world in which the art…

Nicola Staeglich – Farbe schwebend / Color floating

“The more slowly one approaches Staeglich’s works, the more they reveal.” Stephan Berg Nicola Staeglich transforms color and traces of the act of painting into complex pictorial spaces that exude light and make time visible.…
W. G. Sebald

Pensive Images
16 Artists in Dialogue with W. G. Sebald

On Memories and Temporalities Pensive Images examines the complex and invariably singular relationships through which images and memories are inextricably linked. The book relates to the work of the German writer W. G. Sebald (b.…
art in a conflicted world

Art in a Conflicted World

Trans-European Perspectives in the Age of Cultural Fragmentation Since the turn of the millennium, much of the world has become an increasingly unstable and dissonant place. Sharp disruptions define many aspects of our social, cultural,…

Jorinde Voigt –

Jorinde Voigt (b. Frankfurt am Main 1977, lives and works in Berlin), declared about the title of the book “Trust is a hybrid of longing for something and the engagement to reach it”. Voigt has…


Human, City, Pigeon Public perceptions of the pigeon have shifted drastically over the past centuries. In the 1700s, it was welcomed as a guest who commanded humans’ unfailing solicitude; today, by contrast, it is often…

Konkrete Progressionen –
François Morellet & Vera Molnar, Manfred Mohr & Hartmut Böhm

Thanks to a generous donor, the Kunstmuseum Reutlingen | konkret welcomed a number of outstanding works to its collection in 2022. Titled Konkrete Progressionen, the first exhibition to showcase a selection from the gift features…

Anna Bogouchevskaia –
Shouldn’t Be Gone

Anna Bogouchevskaia (b. Moscow, 1966; lives and works in Berlin) sees her work in sculpture as a geopolitical engagement with concerns on the intersection between figuration and abstraction. Macroscopic aluminum drops, bizarre bronze flowers, fog…
Cristina Lucas

Cristina Lucas –
Immobile Engine

Mechanisms of Power The Spanish artist Cristina Lucas (b. Jaén, 1973; lives and works in Madrid) works in a wide range of media and genres. Central concerns include the confrontation of subjective and political historiographies…
michael williams

Michael Williams –
New Paintings

Awkward Uncertainty Michael Williams (b. 1978, Doylestown, Pa.; lives and works in Los Angeles) makes work that interrogates the history of painting, often by dismantling its components into their constituent parts. His pictures employ form…
Fotografie des Gegenwärtigen

Photography of Presence

The Importance of the Moment in Artistic Photography Can photographs exist which represent concrete places? In view of the daily flood of images, this question seems superfluous at first. Only on closer inspection does the…

Africa –
in the View of the Photographers

Contemporary Photography from Africa Stereotypes still dominate the Western image of Africa; we tend to know little about cities like Lagos, Porto-Novo, or Kinshasa. The book presents photographs by African artists who tell stories from…
Female Gaze

Female Gaze –
From Virtual to Reality

Works of Art Take a Stance The “female gaze” embodies a stance that is the polar opposite of the “male gaze.” The latter term came into use in the movie and advertising industries in the 1970s…

Cudelice Brazelton IV –
Mortal Surface

Cudelice Brazelton IV’s works are magnets. He uses them to glean what he finds in the urban landscape, in the street, in factories and studios: fabric, leather, metal, cardboard, and all sorts of implements. He…

Sonja Yakovleva

Sonja Yakovleva (b. Potsdam, 1989; lives and works in Frankfurt am Main) uses pornographic representations and images from the internet as templates for papercuts, some in large formats, that grapple with personal and public stories…
Andreas Eriksson

Andreas Eriksson

All is related, from the outside in. Look what’s behind it. Andreas Eriksson (b. 1975 in Björsäter, lives and works in Medelplana, Sweden) is one of Sweden’s most notable contemporary artists. His artistic practice is…

Immaterial Sculptures

The effect of odor is immediate. Smells arouse feelings in us, put us in moods, awaken recollections. They color the other senses and shape our perceptions more profoundly than we are aware. Scents create closeness…

Ralf Cohen

The First Comprehensive Overview of the Work of the Photo Artist from 1972 to the Present Day Ralf Cohen (b. 1949, Solingen; lives and works in Karlsruhe) makes use of the entire material complex of…
Laura Schawelka

Laura Schawelka –
Double Issues

Sales Spaces without Merchandise In her installations, Laura Schawelka (b. 1988, Munich; lives and works in Berlin) makes use of photography, video, and sculpture in a multilayered dialogue. In her latest works, the artist focuses…

Preview Spring 2024

After an exciting fall in which our graffiti volume SIGNED shattered sales records left and right, we are gearing up for the spring in books with exciting new titles. Download
Fabian Treiber

Fabian Treiber –
For a While Longer

Unstable Prototypes of a Reality We Know Fabian Treiber’s (b. Ludwigsburg, 1986; lives and works in Stuttgart) paintings show what appear to be interiors while interrogating subjective projections and our perceptions of reality. The artificial…

Verena Issel –
Yellow Pages. Installations and their individual components

Verena Issel’s installations feel friendly and inviting, they are soft, round, colorful—we cannot but smile when we look at them. The sculptures and pictures she makes for them are replicas, sometimes laced with irony, of…
kunst in Luxembourg


Thinking Otherwise—the Mudam in Luxembourg at Fifteen A free spirit, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, is someone who “thinks otherwise than is expected of him in consideration of his origin, surroundings, position, and office, or by reason…
Museum Brot und Kunst

Museum Brot und Kunst –
Forum Welternährung

Food, Art, and Consumption The craving for food and the desire to avoid being hungry have been among humanity’s central concerns for millennia. Economic activity, science, politics, culture—our basic need for sustenance informs and influences…
Franziska Windisch

Franziska Windisch –
Walk with a wire

The interweaving of traces, sounds, and movements in an impressive work of sound art The narrow brown magnetic tape of an audio cassette runs through a half-opened hand, slides through the fingers, is palpated in…
Emil Nolde

Emil Nolde –
A Critical Approach by Mischa Kuball

What is Visible and What is Not Mischa Kuball (b. 1959, Düsseldorf; lives and works in Düsseldorf) investigates public and institutional spaces and the social and political discourses that shape them. At the invitation of…
Mischa Kuball

nolde/kritik/documenta (German)

Emil Nolde (1867–1956) ranks among the best-known classic modernists. Contemporary perceptions of the artist and his oeuvre are informed by mythmaking as well as its deconstruction. After the Second World War, Nolde himself and art…
Mischa Kuball

nolde/kritik/documenta (English)

Emil Nolde (1867–1956) ranks among the best-known classic modernists. Contemporary perceptions of the artist and his oeuvre are informed by mythmaking as well as its deconstruction. After the Second World War, Nolde himself and art…

Preview Fall 2022

Our new preview is here! After a successful spring and summer of 2022, DCV kicks off the fall season with many exciting books. Besides new illustrated tomes on the established art-market luminaries Shara Hughes and…

Preview Spring 2021

A few months ago DCV emerged from the renowned art book publisher edition cantz. With the new preview, we are now presenting the second half-year program which includes the first exhibition catalog for the Neue…

Preview Spring 2022

DCV’s spring program is chock full of highlights: a retrospective of David Hockney’s art in Vienna celebrates the artist on occasion of his 85th birthday, Francis Alÿs represents Belgium at the 59th Venice Biennale and…

Preview Spring 2023

At DCV, we welcome our second spring as an independent publishing venture with three major monographs: Michael Sailstorfer and Gabriel Vormstein are featured with imposing surveys of their oeuvres of the past two decades. As…

Preview Fall 2020

In mid-May 2020, the very first DCV preview has been released. The concept was developed with the acclaimed Berlin design studio Heimann + Schwantes. New publications, titles already available and the current backlist are presented…

Preview Fall 2021

Our third preview is here! Stay tuned for monographs on exciting artists, catalogs on new exhibitions, extensive catalogues raisonnés and selected limited editions. Download
Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone –
nuns + monks

Contemplation and Communion with the World Ugo Rondinone (b. Brunnen, Switzerland, 1964; lives and works in New York) is a conceptual and installation artist whose oeuvre spans abstract painting, photography, and sculpture. Nature is where…
Urban Art Biennale 2019

Urban Art! Biennale® 2019

The World’s Most Important Exhibition of Urban Art — Presented for the Fifth Time in 2019 Its themes are the city and urban lifestyle, its can-vases walls, doors, or windows, its artists cosmo-politan. Since the…

Kraftwerk –
Innovation durch Transformation

The power plant in Rottweil, built in 1915 by the architect Paul Bonatz, looks back on a rich and interesting history: until 1976, it provided power to a gunpowder factory and, later, to a rayon…
Francis Alÿs

Francis Alÿs –
The Nature of the Game

The Belgian artist Francis Alÿs (b. Antwerp, 1959) makes work that is as multifaceted as it is poetically subversive. Straddling the line between performative conceptual art and community intervention, his films and drawings chart the…

Francis Alÿs –
The Nature of the Game –
Special Edition

SPECIAL EDITION in clothbound slipcase The Belgian artist Francis Alÿs (b. Antwerp, 1959) makes work that is as multifaceted as it is poetically subversive. Straddling the line between performative conceptual art and community intervention, his…

About us

DCV – Dr. Cantz’sche Verlagsgesellschaft – is an international publisher of contemporary art books and editions, based in Berlin. DCV builds on the proud tradition of edition cantz, the renowned art book publisher of numerous…
G. I. Widmann

G. I. Widmann –

A Tribute to the 100th Birthday. One of the Important Figurative Positions of the Young Federal Republic of Germany She was an unusual painter who sought to hide her gender behind a pseudonym, while at…
Matthew Davis

Matthew Davis –

An Expressive Instant in Painting The art of Matthew Davis (b. 1969, Colchester, UK; lives and works in Berlin) operates between the micro and macro dimensions, between control and chance. Working with extraordinary precision, the…

Glückliche Tage

We see in contrasts. Freedom from pain follows pain, and felicity is the more radiant after a period of misfortune. Happiness, that is to say, displaces unhappiness and is perhaps its recompense; what is certain…

Tim Eitel –
Propositions for Afterimages 2015–2024

Tim Eitel initiates an exchange between recollection and painting. The work on his pictures, he says, is “a conversation about reality and memory” in which he engages the canvas. In the course of this dialogue,…

Collective SineUmbra

On the Disappearance of Italian Culture Under the collective label SineUmbra, the artists Luisa Eugeni (b. Assisi, Italy, 1987; lives and works in Berlin) and Mattia Bonafini (b. Legnago, Italy, 1980; lives and works in…
Fahar Al Salih

Fahar Al-Salih –
Beyond Fairy Tales

Bridges between East and West The protection and sense of belonging one feels where one is at home, and what it is like to lose both of them: these are central concerns in the art…
Fiona rae

Fiona Rae –
Row Paintings

Elements of Energy and Complexity Fiona Rae’s (b. Hong Kong, 1963; lives and works in London) abstract paintings attracted the attention of broad audiences when she participated in the legendary exhibition Freeze at London’s Docklands…

Judit Reigl –
Kraftfelder / Centers of Dominance

Beginning in the 1950s, Judit Reigl (b. Kapuvár, Hungary, 1923; d. Marcoussis, France, 2020) builds a singular creative oeuvre between abstraction and figuration, between Surrealism and gestural painting. After studying art in Budapest, Reigl flees…
João Penalva

João Penalva
The Asian Books

The First Survey on the Exceptional Artist Books of João Penalva Since 2007 João Penalva (b. 1949, Lissabon; lives and works in London) has exhibited large format unbound books, printed with archival inks on fine…

Felix Schramm –
Things To Come

Felix Schramm’s (b. Hamburg, 1970; lives and works in Düsseldorf) sculptural oeuvre reflects a probing engagement with space and the body. In works in a variety of media, including installations that intervene into a given…
Stephan Kaluza

Stephan Kaluza –
Das Rheinprojekt

Reinterpreting the Classical Panorama The mythical character of the Rhine as a ‘German symbol’ has long been of profound interest to poets and visual artists. Today, however, the Rhine has lost the aura of a…

Anna Leonhardt –
Touching Space

Anna Leonhardt’s (b. Pforzheim, 1981; lives and works in New York and Leipzig) paintings probe her own experiences and moods, while also referencing works of literature and quoting phenomena in the history of her craft.…
Nobuyuki Tanaka

Nobuyuki Tanaka
Primordial Memories

The craft of traditional Japanese lacquer finishing in contemporary art In his extraordinary sculptures, Nobuyuki Tanaka (b. 1971 in Tokyo) combines a lacquer finishing that has been practiced in Japan for centuries with an organic…
John Bock


The Augmented Reality Book for John Bock John Bock (b. 1965 in Gribbohm, lives in Berlin) is one of the most important contemporary performance and video artists. In his works characterized by humor and absurdity,…
Susanne Rottenbacher

Susanne Rottenbacher –

In expansive compositions in light, Susanne Rottenbacher (b. Göttingen, 1969; lives and works in Berlin) visualizes the fire of life in its timebound and fluid dimension. Plotinus called fire the “spiritual potency of beauty.” Pursuing…

João Onofre –
Untitled (in awe of)

João Onofre’s works are tributes to art history and pop. He gleans what is in danger of being lost right now, realigns it, and translates it into something sublime. His art encourages the beholders to…
Vera Mercer

Vera Mercer –
New Works

Beauty and Melancholy, Joie de Vivre and Vanity The American photographer Vera Mercer’s (b. Berlin, 1936; lives and works in Omaha and Paris) oeuvre defies easy summary. She started taking pictures in Paris in the…

Agostino Iacurci

Agostino Iacurci’s (b. Foggia, Italy, 1986; lives and works in Berlin) paintings, sculptures, installations, and murals are based on vegetal forms and botanical subjects. Lucid compositions in radiant colors unfurl fantastical ornaments that transcend the…
Silke Eva Kästner

Silke Eva Kästner –
Panta Rhei

Silke Eva Kästner (lives and works in Berlin and Uckermark) developed her creative approach while traveling in India, New York, and Japan. She creates temporary on-site paintings as well as conceptual pieces in which the…

Jan Zöller –
Ritual Believer

Jan Zöller’s (b. Haslach, 1992; lives and works in Karlsruhe) paintings, sculptures, and installations probe the discrepancy between economic production and the spiritual and magical dimension of art. The artist’s book Ritual Believer surveys the…
Jems Koko Bi

Born in the Woods –
Jems Koko Bi & HAP Grieshaber

The Political Substance of Wood Jems Koko Bi (b. Sinfra, Côte d’Ivoire, 1966; lives and works in Kaarst, Germany, Dakar, and Abidjan) is world-renowned for the monumental wood sculptures he creates using a machine saw.…
Olaf Breuning

Olaf Breuning –

The multimedia artist Olaf Breuning (b. Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 1970; lives and works in Upstate New York) has built a multifaceted oeuvre in installation art, photography, video, sculpture, drawing, and performance that questions contemporary reality. In…
Alexander Ruthner

Alexander Ruthner –
Cour: Sommer

Contemplating Nature in a Reduced-Mobility Environment “The events of the year 2021, which was defined by lockdowns, the pandemic, and restrictions, has brought out the resonance in my pictures of Gustave Courbet’s realism,” Alexander Ruthner…
christian rothmann

The Light Touch

A Monograph of Curiosity Christian Rothmann (b. Kędzierzyn, Poland, 1954; lives and works in Berlin) is an artistic jack-of-all-trades, a builder of bridges between cultures, and a restless globetrotter and traveler across time. He takes…

Kay Rosen –

Kay Rosen (b. Corpus Christi, TX, 1943; lives in New York City and Gary, IN) has made art out of language since the 1970s. She garnered international acclaim with wall pieces spelling individual words, phrases,…

Michael Williams –
Make Plans God Applauds

Michael Williams (b. Doylestown, Pa., U.S., 1978; lives and works in Los Angeles, Ca.) is known for paintings whose source materials have been subjected to both analog and digital processes in an effort to render…
Franz Erhard Walther

Franz Erhard Walther –
Manifestations. Catalogue Raisonné of the Posters, Books and Drafts 1958–2020

”I don’t make any artistic difference between a poster design and my Work Drawings.“—Franz Erhard Walther Franz Erhard Walther (b. 1939, Fulda; lives and works in Fulda) is a German sculptor and creator of conceptual,…

Feuer und Farbe –
Gemälde und Grafiken von Walter Jacob

Walter Jacob (1893-1964) was a painter whose oeuvre and life reflected the discontinuities of the twentieth century in condensed form. Contemplative natural scenes and the self-portraits were constants to which he hewed throughout his career;…

Austin Eddy –
Selected poems

Since 2018, the American painter and sculptor Austin Eddy (b. Boston, 1986; lives and works in Brooklyn) has probed the manifestations of modern painting in a world between abstraction and figuration. As a child and…

Toni Mauersberg –
Entre Nous

Toni Mauersberg (b. Hannover, 1989; lives and works in Berlin) is interested in the different layers of a picture’s signification: there is, in the first instance, what it depicts; then the larger tradition in which…

Simone Demandt –
Movers / Beweger

Motorways are Europe’s lifelines. The products we buy every day arrive on supermarket shelves after traveling along these arteries on the backs of thousands of trucks steered by hard-working drivers. Glancing up into the cabs…
Heike Negenborn

Heike Negenborn
Terra Cognita

Lebensraum of our Time: Contemporary Landscape Painting The central theme of Heike Negenborn (b. 1964, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler; lives and works in Windesheim) is the seen lebensraum. In reference to seventeenth-century Dutch landscape painting, her works…
Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone –
winter, spring, summer, fall

Ugo Rondinone (b. Brunnen, Switzerland, 1964; lives and works in New York) is one of the most accomplished artists of his generation. For three decades, the conceptual and installation artist has built an oeuvre grappling…

Maria Balea & George Crîngașu –
The Mythenstein Project

Maria Balea (b. Sighetu Marmației, 1990; lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and George Crîngașu (b. Focșani, 1988; lives and works in Cluj-Napoca and Rome) are among the youngest members of the School of Cluj,…
Irmel Droese

Irmel Droese. Felix Droese –
Die Fruchtbarkeit der Polarität

A Tribute to the Artist Couple Irmel Droese (b. 1943, Landsberg an der Warthe) and Felix Droese (b. 1950, Singen/Hohentwiel) first met in 1970, when both were students in Joseph Beuys’s class at the Kunstakademie…
Michael Bielicky Perpetuum Mobile

Michael Bielicky –
Perpetuum mobile

Contemporary Media Art The German-Czech artist Michael Bielicky (b. Prague, 1954; lives and works in Karlsruhe) has been an innovator in the fields of photography, video, and web-based installation art for over four decades. In…

Barthélémy Toguo

Barthélémy Toguo’s art is a call for community and love, but there is nothing naïve about it. His paintings, graphic art, sculptures, performances, and installations explicitly grapple with colonialism, migration, and inequality; he directs our…
Karlheinz Bux

Karlheinz Bux
über Linie …

Clarity, Complexity, and Linearity The defining artistic means in the work of Karlheinz Bux (b. 1952 in Ulm, lives and works in Karlsruhe) is the line. As edges and folds, they determine vertically oriented sculptures,…
Julius Hofmann

Julius Hofmann –
Western Philosophies

Julius Hofmann (b. Göttingen, 1983; lives and works near Göttingen) has mastered the traditional aspects of painting and commands a broad repertoire of creative techniques. This expertise enables him to call conventional painting in question…
Jan Muche

Jan Muche –

Tracing the Wear of the Life of Labor The visual art of Jan Muche (b. 1975, Herford; lives and works in Berlin) revolves around forms that bring to mind structural steelwork, giant industrial installation components,…

Jenny Brosinski –
Things I’ve Never Said

Jenny Brosinski’s (b. Celle, 1984; lives and works in Berlin) paintings in large formats look like uncoordinated abstract compositions with traces of wear deliberately left in place. This brings their materiality to the fore and…
Martin Krumbholz

Martin Krumbholz –
Alex, Martin und Ich

“The Vocation of Saint Matthew”: that is the title that Martin Krug has chosen for his novella, after Caravaggio’s iconic painting at the Church of San Luigi degli Francesi in Rome. The irony is unmistakable—Martin,…
Hans Hofmann

Hans Hofmann –

Expressive Forms between Art and Architecture As an exponent of Abstract Expressionism, Hans Hofmann (b. Weißenburg, Germany, 1880; d. New York, USA, 1966) ranks among the preeminent artists of the twentieth century. As a teacher…
Art of Society

The Art of Society –

The Collection of the Nationalgalerie, Berlin The Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, the last building designed by Mies van der Rohe, has been closed a full six years for refurbishment. To mark its reopening the museum…

Zeitgenössische Zeichenkunst der Sammlung Schering Stiftung im Kupferstichkabinett

In 2008, the Schering Stiftung began acquiring outstanding contemporary works on paper for the Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Drawings) in Berlin. The collection, which has since grown to 130 nonfigurative drawings and a small…
Michel Majerus

Michel Majerus 2022

Michel Majerus (1967–2002) ranks among the most interesting painters of his generation and left a singular and multifaceted oeuvre that still speaks powerfully to contemporary concerns. His works quote phenomena of everyday culture such as…

Nikolaus List –
Analphabetismus Nr. 7

Beguilingly colorful, balancing opulence with restraint, Nikolaus List’s (b. Frankfurt am Main, 1965; lives and works in Berlin) pictures scrutinize the relation between nature and art. Observations of natural scenes around Berlin blend with the…

PULS 20 –
New Entries in the MNAC Collection

PULS 20 unites the most valuable finds from a communal treasure hunt. Exponents of the Romanian arts scene and representatives of the National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) in Bucharest teamed up to review the…

edition cantz becomes DCV

DCV builds on the proud tradition of edition cantz, the renowned art book publisher that released standout publications including the companion volumes for the German pavilions at the 35th and 36th Biennales di Venezia and…

Francesca Martí –
Passage and Presence

Francesca Martí’s (b. Sóller, Mallorca; lives in Mallorca and Stockholm) art revolves around themes like transformation, communication, and deformation, the power of self-determination, the instability of memory, and the effects of the chaos caused by…
John M Armleder

John M Armleder –

Commentaries on our Present Day Realities and the Status of Art John M Armleder (b. 1948, Geneva; lives and works in Geneva and New York) is one of the most influential contemporary conceptual, performance and…
Portrait of a Young Planet

Me, Family –
Portrait of a Young Planet

A Journey Through Many Worlds In these times of great uncertainty, the themes that surface in the works of the thirty-six international artists gathered in Me, Family are more relevant than ever. Compiled by Francesco…

Philip Loersch –

Philip Loersch (b. Aachen, 1980; lives and works near Munich) combines painstaking imitations of printed writing with hyperrealist colored-pencil drawings; for instance, he transfers pages from encyclopedias not only onto paper, but also onto three-dimensional…

Räume hautnah (GERMAN) –
Draiflessen Collection

We live in spaces that we shape in accordance with our own ideas. Our everyday lives leave traces in them that speak to our habits. Spaces promise shelter and belonging, but they can also instill…

Spaces Embodied (ENGLISH) –
Draiflessen Collection

We live in spaces that we shape in accordance with our own ideas. Our everyday lives leave traces in them that speak to our habits. Spaces promise shelter and belonging, but they can also instill…
Beate Passow

Beate Passow –
Monkey Business

Drawing on the Past to Build a Better Future Beate Passow (b. Stadtoldendorf, Germany, 1945; lives and works in Munich) creates installations, photodocumentaries, and collages that seek to salvage her subjects from oblivion, though as…


The book and exhibition present works from the first two decades of the twentieth century from the Kunstmuseum Bonn’s collection in dialogue with contemporary creative positions. What the works have in common across the distance…

Ann Wolff –
Observations and Reflections

“Art is coming from my inside. I am working as its servant.—I let it out not thinking too much—using my hands and gesture—choosing a material to put it on place. I do not use the…
Anders Goldfarb

Anders Goldfarb –
Passed Remains

Abandoned Gas Stations and Burned-Out Buildings In 1986 when Anders Goldfarb (b. 1954 in Brooklyn, lived and worked in Brooklyn, NY) moved to Greenpoint, he was a young photographer with a master of fine arts…

100 Windows –
Site-specific art installations at Berlin-Weekly project space

Established in 2010 by Stefanie Seidl in a former gateway for horse-drawn carriages that is now enclosed by glazing at both ends, the project space BERLIN-WEEKLY offers the narrow yet exceptionally tall display space to…
Drucksache Bauhaus

Drucksache Bauhaus

The Early Years of the Weimar Print Workshop At the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar, the print workshop began operation in the spring of 1919 as the first workshop. Printmaking corresponded to the basic idea of…
Michelle Jezierski

Michelle Jezierski –
Simultaneous Spaces

Michelle Jezierski’s (b. Berlin, 1981; lives and works in Berlin) paintings unfurl simultaneous spaces that are awash in light. Contrasts between bright and dark and muted as well as lucent hues engender a singular atmosphere…
silke kästner

Finissage and Catalog Release: Silke Eva Kästner, Panta Rhei

TODAY, 26.08.22. at 6 pm in Alte Feuerwache BerlinMarlewskistrasse 610243 Berlin Silke Eva Kästner creates temporary on-site paintings as well as conceptual pieces in which the viewer comes upon prepared materials and becomes part of—or…
Martin Noël

Martin Noël –

A Comprehensive Overview on the tenth Anniversary of the Death of Martin Noël Martin Noël (b. 1956, Berlin; d. 2010, Bonn) was a German painter, draftsman, and printmaker. He was one of the formative innovators…
Werner Pokorny


“Abstraction means the omission of the irrelevant and the unnecessary in order to find more substantial content and form.”—Werner Pokorny His often monumental sculptures can be found in many places in Germany and abroad, including…
Anaïs Horn

Anaïs Horn –

The mystery of love and its language, translated into a photographic discourse The starting point for the series by Anaïs Horn, which the artist, who works in Vienna and Paris, began in 2013 and now…
Joanna Pousette-Dart

Joanna Pousette-Dart

„A kind of Dialogue between Myself and the Horizon.“ The works of Joanna Pousette-Dart (b. 1947, New York; lives and works in New York) are deeply rooted in the vast expanse of the American desert…
Elsa Salonen

Elsa Salonen
Stories Told by Stones

“I find the question of a consciousness of stones genuinely inspiring, captivating, and provocative!” Elsa Salonen (b. 1984, Turku; lives and works in Berlin and Finland) produces colored crystals from the pigments of flowers, draws…
David Hockney

David Hockney: Insights –
Reflecting the Tate Collection

David Hockney (born 1937 in Bradford) is one of the most influential and technically versatile artists living today. This new publication gathers some of his most defining work from the 1960s to the present, including…

Etsu Egami –

What is worth talking about in art eludes language. Aesthetic experience is without words, like a human encounter that touches upon our innermost being. Etsu Egami is interested in the margins of understanding, where the…
Roman Novitzky

Der tanzende Blick –
Roman Novitzkys Stuttgarter Ballett

Weightlessness, Grace, Emotions The photographs by Roman Novitzky (b. 1984 in Bratislava) reveal the entire vocabulary of dance—and yet convey much more than this. With his camera, the first soloist of the Stuttgart Ballet not…

Franziska Opel –
Close and Cold

With sex toys, the potential for misinterpretation and ill-advised use is vast, as countless slapstick comedies illustrate. Steering clear of quick laughs, Franziska Opel deftly harnesses this anarchic power of misunderstanding to explode our perceptions…

André Butzer –
Miettinen Collection

André Butzer (b. Stuttgart, 1973; lives in Berlin) rose to renown with pictures he describes as “science fiction expressionism” and iconic characters like the “Peace Siemense,” the “Men of Shame,” or the “Woman” as well…

Jagoda Bednarsky –

Jagoda Bednarsky’s (b. Złotoryja, Poland, 1988; lives and works in Berlin) paintings are pop-cultural and nostalgic borrowings that she transfers into the grotesque register, with allusions to stereotyped role models between hypermasculinity and matriarchy. Unfurling…
Penny Hes Yassour

Penny Hes Yassour

A Monograph about the Award-Winning Israeli Artist Penny Hes Yassour (b. 1950, lives and works at kibbutz En-Harod Ihud) tells stories and keeps history alive, explores the boundary between remembering and forgetting. In her installations…
Adrian Schiess

Adrian Schiess
The Song Element

The Renowned Swiss Artist and His Work in Its Architectural Setting Smoothly painted panels laid out on the floor have earned Adrian Schiess (b. 1959, Zurich; lives and works in Mouans-Sartoux, France) international renown. His…

Nadira Husain –
Manzil Monde

Nadira Husain’s (b. Paris, 1980; lives and works in Berlin, Paris, and Hyderabad) work combines figures, symbols, and ornaments from different cultures in complex imageries that reflect her own multicultural experience. To achieve a harmonious,…
Lars Breuer

Lars Breuer –
The Love of the Gods

The art of Lars Breuer (b. Aachen, 1974; lives and works in Düsseldorf and Cologne) is set apart by its broad spectrum of systems of reference. In his large-format installations, text-based works in his own…
logan Sibrel

Logan T. Sibrel –
But I’m Different

Logan T. Sibrel’s (born 1986 in Jasper, IN, lives and works in Brooklyn, NY) paintings and drawings depict moments of great joy and beauty, but also fear, sadness, desire and aggression. Frequently only part of…

Secundino Hernández –
Miettinen Collection

Secundino Hernández’s (b. Madrid, 1975; lives and works in Madrid und Berlin) paintings and works on paper blend figuration and abstraction, the linearity of drawing and exuberant color, minimalism and gesture. Slowly and methodically moving…
Stephen Buckley

Stephen Buckley
Close Cousins. Paintings

The Artist’s First Publication in more than Thirty Years For more than forty years Stephen Buckley (b. 1944, Leicester) has concerned himself with addressing the major themes of the twentieth century through a personal style…
wyatt kahn

Wyatt Kahn –
Paintings and Sculptures

Wyatt Kahn’s (b. New York, 1983; lives and works in New York) work hovers between two and three dimensions, reviving aspects of American 1960s Minimal Art. In the tradition of minimalist abstraction, his multipart paintings…

Jan Zöller

Jan Zöller’s (b. Haslach, 1992; lives and works in Karlsruhe) art has the aura of a jerry-rigged, cosmic, comedic theater. Flames gutter, pant legs and elbows dance, run, and go up in fire. Wells, basins,…

Ossian Fraser –

Ossian Fraser (b. Edinburgh, 1983; lives in Munich and Berlin) molds and captures evanescent moments. Working with volatile materials such as water, dust, or light, the artist exposes the latent potentials of unremarkable situations in…
Anne Deuter

auf Erkundung
Anne Deuter und Monika Supé

A Dialogue on Time The two artists Anne Deuter (b. 1986, Halle; lives and works in Halle) and Monika Supé (b. 1967, Munich; lives and works in Munich) engage in self-exploration to find ways to…
Birgitta Thaysen

Birgitta Thaysen –
Amor and Psyche

Aspects of Love The fine art photographer Birgitta Thaysen (b. Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 1962; lives and works in Düsseldorf) studied with Bernd and Hilla Becher at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts and in Nan Hoover’s…

Johannes Schütz –
Die Unterbrechung / The Interruption

Johannes Schütz (b. Frankfurt am Main, 1950; lives in Berlin) is one of the best-known stage designers and directors working today. His style may be characterized as “simple, clean, and radical.” All major theatres and…
jan zöller

Jan Zöller –
Keine Zeit zum Baden

Jan Zöller’s (b. Haslach im Kinzigtal, 1992; lives and works in Karlsruhe) art brims with personal references and experiences that he translates into his distinctive personal visual idiom. His paintings are theatrical arrangements for which…

Liam Gillick –
Filtered Time (GERMAN)

The sculptor and object artist Liam Gillick (b. Aylesbury, UK, 1964; lives and works in New York) has created an intervention titled Filtered Time for the historic galleries of the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Projections…

Liam Gillick –
Filtered Time (ENGLISH)

The sculptor and object artist Liam Gillick (b. Aylesbury, UK, 1964; lives and works in New York) has created an intervention titled Filtered Time for the historic galleries of the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Projections…

“Das Quadrat muss den Raum beherrschen!” –
Aurélie Nemours und Zeitgenossen

Does everything in the world obey a mathematical logic, can everything be calculated? In our present age of probability, some would say the answer is a straightforward yes, inevitably prompting the question: Even art? Yes,…
Candida Höfer Editionen

Candida Höfer –
Editions 1987–2020

All of Candida Höfer’s Editions in One Book Candida Höfer’s (b. Eberswalde, 1944) shots of deserted libraries, opera houses, concert halls, churches, and museums have made her a member of the international photographic avant-garde. One…

Călin Dan –

The oeuvre of the Romanian artist Călin Dan (b. Arad, Romania, 1955; lives and works in Bucharest) shows the influences of conceptual and minimal art. His book Pollio surveys his creative practice of the past…
Hannes Norberg

Hannes Norberg –

The Ideal of Simplicity, Clarity and Timelessness To make his photographs, Hannes Norberg (b. 1969, Worms; lives and works in Düsseldorf) constructs artificial spaces that integrate elements of painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture. Rather than…

Simone Haack –

Simone Haack (b. 1978 in Rotenburg/Wümme, lives and works in Berlin) has always made the inwards legible in the outer appearance of her figures in her painting. This is also the case in her block…
Arina Dähnick

Arina Dähnick
The MIES Project

In the Footsteps of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe In her photographic works, Arina Dähnick (b. 1965, Krefeld; lives and works in Berlin) deals with urbanity, spatial reality and visual perception. She discovered the architecture…

Stefan Knauf

Stefan Knauf (b. Munich, 1990; lives and works in Berlin) uses selected materials such as construction supplies or plants to investigate the histories of botany, migration, trade, science, and architecture and critique an idealized and…
stephan Kaluza

Stephan Kaluza –
Fragmente eines Ängstlichen

A Novel on Coping with Guilt or the Feeling of Having Violated Life The filmmaker Castner and the anthropologist Pollock not only share the similarity of their names with those of Castor and Pollux, the…

Jakob Ganslmeier
Lovely Planet. Polen / Poland

An Unconventional and Humorous Guide to a Country of Contrasts In 2015, the photographer Jakob Ganslmeier (b. Munich, 1990; lives and works in Berlin) went on an extended tour of Poland in search of shots…

Was ist Wiener Aktionismus?

Blows were dealt. An artist exposed and cut himself, others urinated in glasses, daubed themselves with dirt, and masturbated over the Austrian flag. Meanwhile, music was playing, including the national anthem; someone read pornographic writings.…

What is Vienna Actionism?

Blows were dealt. An artist exposed and cut himself, others urinated in glasses, daubed themselves with dirt, and masturbated over the Austrian flag. Meanwhile, music was playing, including the national anthem; someone read pornographic writings.…

Harte Zeiten –
Ciężkie Czasy

Increasingly pressing global political and societal challenges are always also rewarding subjects of creative engagement, and sometimes artists devise anticipative approaches to real-world problems. Harte Zeiten—Ciężkie Czasy is a cooperative venture launched by Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg;…
John Bock

New release: John Bock – Auraaroma-Ω-Beule

Covered with tartan-linen and wrapped with a pair of socks designed by the artist: as one of the first augmented reality art books, it allows readers to bring selected scenes to life by using a…
Jenny Michel

Jenny Michel –
Doors, Windows and Cells

The Detritus of Our Society For around two decades, the artist Jenny Michel (b. Worms, 1975; lives and works in Berlin) has devoted herself to minute particles such as dust, cobwebs, and electromagnetic fields in…

Sonja Yakovleva –

Sonja Yakovleva’s (b. Potsdam, 1989; lives and works in Frankfurt am Main) silhouettes are informed by her sex-positive feminist views. They mix and match pornography with art-historical references, folkloristic motifs, fairy tales, and myths that…

Ivonne Thein –

In her multidisciplinary work, Ivonne Thein (born 1979 in Meiningen, lives and works in Berlin) addresses the current body images of a digital culture that is undergoing fundamental change due to extensive technologization. Today, new…

Gregor Hildebrandt –
A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind us

For the past two decades, Gregor Hildebrandt (b. Bad Homburg, 1974; lives and works in Berlin) has transformed analog audiotapes, cassettes, and records into collages, sculptures, panel paintings, and installations. Melding visual art with music,…
Jürgen Claus

Jürgen Claus –
To the Oceans with Imagination

The Sea as a Space of Artistic Experience Jürgen Claus’s (b. 1935, Berlin; lives and works in Aachen and Baelen, Belgium) oeuvre encompasses paintings, films, light and solar installations, and underwater art. He is also…
Dohmen Collection

Beyond the Box –
Dohmen Collection

Breaking the Mold of Convention Presenting installations, sculptures, objects, and paintings from Mexico, Cuba, West Africa, Israel, Bulgaria, Russia, South Korea, and Japan, rounded out by extraordinary works from the U.S. and Europe, this selection…
Mon Trésor

Mon Trésor

Europe’s Treasure Chamber What do the torque of the princess of Reinheim, the tableware from the Orient Express, and the radio station Europe 1’s studio building have in common? They are among the treasures of…

Sam Falls –
After Life

Sam Falls (b. San Diego, 1984; lives and works in New York) delegates the authorship of his works to the phenomena of nature. Applying water-reactive dry pigments or plant parts to support media like canvas,…

Michelle Jezierski –

How does a simple line become a horizon? When do we begin to see colors and shapes as a landscape? Michelle Jezierski’s painting homes in on the tipping point at which our perception begins to…

Edition: Elbphilharmonie by Candida Höfer

Exclusively for DCV, Candida Höfer has produced a photo edition mounted on Alu-Dibond in 58 x 56.5 cm format. The motif is the longest escalator in the world in the spectacular Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. Together with…
Pierre Soulages

Soulages –
Malerei 1946–2019

“I paint not with black but with light.” Pierre Soulages (b. Rodez, France, 1919; lives and works in Paris and Sète, France) is an eminent figure in abstract painting. A member of the Nouvelle École…
fritz overbeck

Fritz Overbeck und Hermine Overbeck-Rohte –
Der Briefwechsel

Intimate Glimpses from the Marriage of Two Worpswede Artists In the final years of the nineteenth century, numerous painters settled in the village at the foot of Weyerberg hill, followed by young women who took…

Artist of the Month: Dietmar Lutz

“Düsseldorf-based painter Dietmar Lutz is known for his large-format works of art. They are reminiscent of the Impressionists as well as Hockney or Maria Lassnig. Lutz often uses the camera, and the photos are for…

Review: nolde/kritik/documenta

“The Düsseldorf conceptual artist Mischa Kuball has approached the matter with «forensic curiosity»: He wants to illuminate the Nolde myth, deconstruct the artist mystification. To this end, he has, as he says, been given a…
Robbie Cornelissen

Robbie Cornelissen –
Terra Nova

Futuristic / Fantastic The Dutch artist Robbie Cornelissen’s (b. Utrecht, 1954; lives and works in Utrecht) oeuvre is endowed with unusual narrative power. His architectonic drawings in enormous formats, which often exude a futuristic aura,…


Throughout their careers, the artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset (Michael Elmgreen, b. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1961, and Ingar Dragset, b. Trondheim, Norway, 1969, live and work in Berlin) have eschewed the traditional “White Cube” exhibition format…

Clemens Krauss –
Antidot | Gegengift

Clemens Krauss restlessly shuttles across history; his vehicles are painting, video art, sculpture, and performance. Yet Krauss is not “just” an artist, he is also a psychoanalyst and physician. As such, he has first-hand experience…
Martin Noël

Martin Noël –
The Retrospective

The Protagonist of the Modern Woodcut The German painter, draftsman, and graphic artist Martin Noël (b. Berlin, 1956; d. Bonn, 2010) played a leading role in reviving the linocut and the woodcut, two techniques that…
Barbara Armbruster

Barbara Armbruster
Meins Mine

An Intercultural Artistic Narrative between Germany and Egypt In her works, Barbara Armbruster (b. Bad Waldsee; lives and works in Stuttgart) deals with cultural and social spaces, structures, and identities. Influenced by many years of…

Sebastian Stöhrer –

If there’s an artist whose oeuvre merits the title “creation,” it is Sebastian Stöhrer. Shaping clay—essentially, soil—he molds his “denizens”: colorful and friendly-looking sculptural beings, some of them enhanced with sticks or branches reminiscent of…
Shara Hughes

Shara Hughes

Boisterous Compositions At first glance, Shara Hughes’s (b. Atlanta, GA., 1981; lives and works in Brooklyn) colorful and extravagant landscapes are chock full of everything we love in famous paintings: the palette of Henri Matisse…
Justine Otto

Justine Otto –
New Traditionalists

Justine Otto (b. Zabrze, Poland, 1974; lives and works in Hamburg and Berlin) is one of the most promising artists on the contemporary painting scene. An aficionado of the absurd, she unfolds a metaphysical-psychedelic and…

Erich Hörtnagl –
to be a man

“A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know.” The witty remark, attributed to Diane Arbus, succinctly captures the twofold code at work in Erich Hörtnagl’s (b.…

Emmanuel Bornstein / Lotte Laserstein –

How do artists’ identities and the histories of their families influence their art? Where might a creative affinity sustained by a legacy of trauma take an artist? Lotte Laserstein (1898–1993) and Emmanuel Bornstein (b. 1986)…
Candida Höfer

Candida Höfer –
Kunsthistorisches Institut Bonn

The Kunsthistorisches Institut Bonn, Yesterday and Today The imposing presence of architecture captured in the absence of humans: that is the defining characteristic of the photographs with which Candida Höfer (b. 1944, Eberswalde; lives and…
wolfgang thiel

wolfgang thiel –
skulpturale standpunkte

Wolfgang Thiel (b. Zweibrücken, 1952; lives and works in Plochingen) is a sculptor who makes figurative work. He is especially interested in the southern German tradition of colorfully painted sculpture, which he seeks to bring…

Leszek Skurski –
Catalog Raisonné Vol. I – Works from 1994 – 2023

Leszek Skurski (b. Gdańsk, 1973; lives and works in Fulda and Mallorca) is known for his singular and immediately recognizable white paintings. Small black and gray figures emerge from the white landscapes, always set in…
Peter Buggenhout

Peter Buggenhout –

An Autonomous Counterpart The renowned sculptor Peter Buggenhout (b. 1963, Dendermonde, Belgium; lives and works in Ghent) describes his hybrid pieces as “abject things” that defy classification and even the label “work of art.” He…
Stephan Kaluza

Stephan Kaluza & Dieter Nuhr –

Landscapes in a Dialogue between Painting and Photography At first glance, Stephan Kaluza’s (b. 1964, Bad Iburg; lives and works in Düsseldorf) photorealist paintings might be still lifes, portraits of pristine nature. Yet they actually…
shara Hughes

Shara Hughes –
Time Lapsed

Shara Hughes (b. Atlanta, 1981; lives and works in New York) describes her pictures and drawings as psychological or invented landscapes. Her cliff coasts, river valleys, sunsets, and lush gardens, often framed by abstract patterns,…

Ion Bitzan –

The painter and object artist Ion Bitzan (b. Limanu, 1924; d. Bucharest, 1997) belonged to the generation of Romanian artists who, in the 1960s and 1970s, broke through their country’s isolation to connect to the…
Horst Keinig

Horst Keinig

An Artist Book Setting New Visual Processes in Motion Around the year 2009, Horst Keining (b. 1949, Hattingen; lives and works in Düsseldorf) began to create blurred contours with the help of a small spray…

Markus Vater –
Objects of Significance

Objects of Significance is an artist’s book that grew out of a series of photographs and writings which Markus Vater (b. Dusseldorf, 1970; lives and works in London and Dusseldorf) collected over several years. They…

Alexandru Chira

Alexandru Chira’s (b. Tăușeni, Romania, 1947; d. Bucharest, 2011) oeuvre systematically and comprehensively maps a fictional field of research. His paintings, drawings, and objects, whose individual elements recall switches, screens, keyboards, and levers, were designed…


Artistic Interventions in the Caputh Palace. Contemporary Parallels to the Baroque Era Four international women artists spent more than three years studying Caputh Palace near Potsdam and creating works specifically for this magnificent location. The…

Brandon Lipchik

In recent years, a Wagnerian night has settled over Brandon Lipchik’s (b. Erie, PA, 1993; lives and works in Brooklyn, NY, and Berlin) pictures. Moons rise; beasts and titans populate a homogeneous world of swimming…

Maxim Gunga

The painter Maxim Gunga is utterly unafraid of physicality. His canvas is a riot of oil paints huddling up against one another, fusing like the beasts, the humans, and the urban landscape of Berlin that…

Ingo Mittelstaedt

Perception and Comprehension in Photography Ingo Mittelstaedt (b. 1978, Berlin; lives and works in Berlin and Hamburg) creates staged photographs, combining and contrasting them with diverse objects in expansive installations. His pictorial arrangements probe a…
Ed Sommer

Ed Sommer
Planetare Allianz

A Monograph on the Pioneer of Op Art The complex and extraordinary work of the Schwäbisch Gmünd-based artist Ed Sommer (1932–2015), who preferred to call himself a Bildsprachenmaler (painter of visual imagery), includes metal objects,…
Karsten Konrad

Karsten Konrad –
Room Service

The Visual Archeologist Objets trouvés, used designer objects, and discarded furniture are the defining elements of the sculptor Karsten Konrad’s (b. Würzburg, 1962; lives and works in Berlin) material poetics. Not unlike the Dadaist or…
Christian Boltanski

Christian Boltanski
Die Zwangsarbeiter – Erinnerung in der Völklinger Hütte

Erinnerungen | Souvenirs | Memoirs Christian Boltanski (b. 1944, Paris; lives and works in Paris) combines industrial architecture with relics of the working culture in his impressive installation for the Völklingen ironworks – a highly…

Cornelia Baltes –

Cornelia Baltes’s (b. Mönchengladbach, 1978; lives and works in Berlin) paintings and installation straddle the divide between abstraction and figuration. Her pictures are inspired by observations of mundane details—apparel, body parts, or facial expressions—that she…

Opening: Yael Bartana

“At the core of Yael Bartana: Redemption Now is the commissioned video work “Malka Germania,” which the artist produced at historically charged locations across Berlin.” The accompanying publication is now available. Read article

Sabrina Fritsch –

Sabrina Fritsch’s (b. Neunkirchen/Saar, 1979; lives and works in Cologne) paintings explore the potentials of the compositional process and the mechanisms of perception. Many of them feature coarse structures, textile surfaces, and delicate superimpositions. In…
6 u l

6 U L –
Lust and Desire in Art and Design

“Whose Jizz is this?” Sechs-u-ell: to make sense of the publication title, trust your college German and your phonetic ear. “Sexual,” here, comprises the entire broad spectrum of what we associate with carnal pleasure. Lust,…
Michael Bertram

Michael Bertram –
mehr licht

The Mülheim-Kärlich Nuclear Power Station, 1975–2019 In 1975, construction began in Mülheim-Kärlich on what was to be the only nuclear power plant in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. After numerous court battles and only two years…

Maria Braune –
Keep Away From Fire

Maria Braune’s (b. Berlin, 1988; lives and works in Munich and Bamberg) work revolves around a material she developed; named Migma, it consists of eight different renewable natural resources. She heats it, then casts and…
Katja Aufleger

Katja Aufleger –
Schwindelerregende Höhen

On a Razor’s Edge: Evanescent Moments Katja Aufleger’s (b. Oldenburg, 1983; lives and works in Berlin) works bring instants of suspense and uncertainty into focus in a variety of aesthetic forms. Their nuclei are typically…
Maximilian Rödel

Maximilian Rödel –
Celestial Artefacts

“One must break free from wanting something and confine oneself instead to being something.” — Maximilian Rödel Inky black, apricot, magenta, and a pastel purple: apparent monochromes, the paintings of Maximilian Rödel (b. Braunschweig, 1984;…
Larry Rivers

Larry Rivers –
An American-European Dialogue

Between French Modernism and the New York School The American painter, musician, and filmmaker Larry Rivers (b. 1923, New York; d. 2002, New York) is considered one of the most influential protagonists of the New…

Sprache/Text/Bild –

Spoken words, writing, and images originate in social and cultural contexts and so are fraught with meanings, are vehicles of values and norms. They inevitably also demarcate boundaries, serving to class people as members of…

New Publisher

Uta Grosenick is the new publisher of edition cantz. Since autumn 2019, she has been building the head office in Berlin. With her knowledge of the art scene and the art market, she uses her…
Karin Hochstatter

Karin Hochstatter

A Provocation of Vision between Surface and Depth In her sculptural works, Karin Hochstatter (b. 1960, Cologne; lives and works in Cologne) deals with forms and their dissolution, as well as the perceptual mechanisms that…

Language/Text/Image –

Spoken words, writing, and images originate in social and cultural contexts and so are fraught with meanings, are vehicles of values and norms. They inevitably also demarcate boundaries, serving to class people as members of…
Dietmar Lutz

Dietmar Lutz –
Ein Jahr

Day by Day For a full year, from August 2020 until August 2021, Dietmar Lutz (b. Ellwangen, 1968; lives and works in Düsseldorf) painted or drew a picture every day in which he rendered a…
Zeitkonzepte der Gegenwartskunst

On Trickling Away –
Concepts of Time in Contemporary Art

Time, like space, is one of the key coordinates of human existence. The great mysteries of our lives revolve around it, only to remain unresolved when death inevitably ends our days. What is time’s role…
Arantxa Etcheverria

Arantxa Etcheverria –

The Mythical Power of Grids Arantxa Etcheverria’s (b. 1975, France; lives and works in Bucharest) creative practice encompasses painting, sculpture, performance, photography, and film. Since 2006, she has been especially interested in modernist architecture, a…
steven shearer

Steven Shearer –
Working from Life

“Today’s images are echoes of how people have always been depicted.” Steven Shearer (b. New Westminster, BC, 1968; lives and works in Vancouver) works in a range of media including printmaking, sculpture, painting, drawing, and…
Thyra Schmidt

Thyra Schmidt
Über Diebe und die Liebe. On Thieves and Love.

An artist’s book, an artist’s text On twenty-two large-format typographic sheets, Thyra Schmidt (b. 1974, Pinneberg; lives and works in Düsseldorf) develops a narrative featuring moments in an amorous relationship. Thoughts and encounters between “her”…
Jean-Marie Biwer

Jean-Marie Biwer
D’après nature

Painterly Investigations of the Present For over four decades, Jean-Marie Biwer (b. 1957, Dudelange, Luxembourg; lives and works in Basbellain, Luxembourg) has made art that records his fine-grained observations. Grappling with the grand themes of…
Candida Höfer Editionen

New release: Candida Höfer – Editions 1987–2020

A new volume presents an overview of all 105 editions by the renowned artist Candida Höfer, which have been created in the past 35 years. The photographer has repeatedly supported institutions and publishers with the…
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