Simone Demandt
Movers / Beweger


Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg, Kunstmuseum Bonn; Michael Wahl, Faire Mobilität Beratungsnetzwerk des DGB; Katia Fazio, KV Göppingen, Simone Demandt


Bureau Progressiv, Stuttgart


24 x 32 cm


Softcover wire binding






German, English, Polish, Ukrainian



Release October 2024

Motorways are Europe’s lifelines. The products we buy every day arrive on supermarket shelves after traveling along these arteries on the backs of thousands of trucks steered by hard-working drivers. Glancing up into the cabs of their hulking vehicles, we can just barely make out their heads sticking up above the steering wheels. In this overdue volume, Simone Demandt lets us see more of the heroes of the road who confidently posed for her camera. The pictures demonstrate Demandt’s knack for discovering “the intimate in the anonymous and the narrative element in the matter-of-factly” (Matthias Winzen). She has condensed the truckdrivers’ lifeworld into documentary black-and-white shots in which she shows these people as whole persons and individuals—very different from how we perceive them when they’re in the next lane. Movers lets us peek into the cabs through Demandt’s nonjudgmental lens, broadening our horizons hardly less than travelling would and helping us overcome our prejudices about teamsters. If you’ve always wanted to know whom we really have to thank for those never-empty supermarket shelves, you should not miss out on this book.

Release October 2024

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