Simone Haack

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Simone Haack

ContactAylin Kowalewsky
Edition4 unique works
TechniqueOil on canvas
Image Size40 x 30 cm / 30 x 30 cm ("Kranz", 2023)
Price€ 2.100 / € 1.900 ("Kranz", 2023) (incl. 19% VAT)

Hair is a recurring motif in Simone Haack’s (b. Rotenburg/Wümme, 1978; lives and works in Berlin) work. Open long hair is associated with femininity and eroticism; pinned-up or braided hHair is a recurring motif in Simone Haack’s (b. Rotenburg/Wümme, 1978; lives and works in Berlin) work. Open long hair is associated with femininity and eroticism; pinned-up or braided hair signals sophistication, but also constraint. What Haack paints are not tangible hairdos but surrealist hair landscapes in the style of a new magical realism.air signals sophistication, but also constraint. What Haack paints are not tangible hairdos but surrealist hair landscapes in the style of a new magical realism.

Books on Simone Haack

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